Wash your hands
So when it comes to the corona virus one of the biggest points of confusion
continues to be how it spreads and how long it survives on surfaces and in the
air well. COVID-19 commonly known as the corona-virus doesn't get transmitted
hanging in the air, it would be transmissible if you instantly touched it and
touch your mouth.
At first it was said that it
lasted for a few hours, then three hours and then 8 hours. One of the reasons
for that differing information is that the novel corona-virus is novel which
means it’s new so lab tests are still underway to figure out how long it lives
on surfaces. We don't yet know exactly how COVID-19 spreads from person to
person but a lot of scientists hypothesize it happens when we touch things and
then touch our faces or when we breathe it in. Researchers used a nebulizer to
spray some of the virus into a controlled chamber to see how long the virus
lasted on different surfaces. They found it lasted up to four hours on copper.
Researchers also chose to test cardboard and they found that the novel
coronavirus can live on cardboard for up to twenty-four hours. In this study
the virus died on copper in just four hours but it lasted the longest on steel
and plastic, up to two to three days and that suggests environments with plenty
of hard surfaces could be places for the virus to hang out.
But just because the virus can live on a surface or in the air doesn't
mean you will become infected If you contact that surface or that air that's
because there are lots of other variables like the temperature, humidity and
how much virus it actually takes to infect someone. The best precaution against
COVID-19 is still to wash your hands and wear a mask outdoors.
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