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    Can I expect help of God?

     The question of whether you can expect the help of God is one that has been asked for centuries by people of all faiths. Some people believe that God is always there to help and guide you, while others believe that God may not always intervene in earthly matters. The answer to this question may vary from person to person, but there are some common ideas that can be explored.

    One of the most commonly held beliefs is that God is always there to help you, but that you may not always recognize the help that is being offered. Many people believe that God works in mysterious ways and may provide assistance through other people or events that may seem coincidental or random. For example, you may be struggling with a problem and suddenly receive help or support from someone who you had not expected. This could be seen as a sign of God's presence in your life. 

    Others believe that God only helps those who help themselves. This means that while God may be willing to offer assistance, you must also be actively seeking solutions to your problems in order to receive help. This could mean taking action to change your circumstances or asking for help from others who may be able to provide assistance. 

    In some cases, it may seem like God is not helping you at all. You may be experiencing difficult or trying times, and it may be difficult to see any signs of help or support. During these times, it is important to remember that God's plans may not always align with your own. While it may be difficult to understand why you are going through a difficult situation, there may be a greater purpose that you are not yet aware of. 

    Ultimately, the answer to whether you can expect help from God may depend on your individual beliefs and experiences. Some may believe that God is always there to assist and guide them, while others may feel that they must actively seek help and solutions on their own. However, it is important to remain open to the possibility of help and support, even if it comes in ways that may not be immediately recognizable. By maintaining faith and hope, you may be able to find comfort and guidance during difficult times.

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