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    Start your creative writing immediately

     When you're 15 minutes into a brainstorming session and nothing is coming, it can be easy to feel like your creative writing is never going to happen. Creative writing for most people takes time: time to find ideas, time to get in the right mood, and time to do research. But creative writing doesn't need a lot of time! It's an important skill that can help with school, work, or even just maintaining relationships. If you want to start your own creative writing project but don't know where to begin, this blog post will help you start today!

     You may be wondering, "What's the point of writing? What will I do with all these words?" Here are five reasons why you should start your creative writing today:

    1. It will improve your writing skills.

    2. It will help you process your thoughts and feelings.

    3. It will allow you to express yourself in a unique way that might not have been possible otherwise.

    4. You'll never know what you might come up with - on that rare occasion when everything clicks, inspiration can strike at any time!

     You'll have something to show for it and share with others when all is said and done!

     Writing is one of the most important skills you can have in life. It doesn't matter if you want to write children's books, or a novel, or a script for a movie - writing is an essential skill. And yet, so many people put off learning how to do it. They think it's too hard or they think they need to be born with some kind of talent.

    Why would we wait until we're older to develop such an important skill? Why do we let our fear and excuses stand in the way of our dreams? The truth is, we don't need any talent to start writing - just time and patience.

     Over the years, many people have been told that they should start their creative writing. It's often difficult for people to find a place to start - thoughts and ideas get jumbled in their head. This blog post will help you jump-start your creative writing process by providing some simple tips for how to begin.

    1.  Begin with an idea: It's always best to start with an idea, even if it's just a vague one or something that has been on your mind since the day before.

          b. Start with a sentence: A simple sentence is enough to get going! Try starting out with "I woke up this morning," or "I had this idea last night." 

        c. Add details: If you feel stuck, try these tips.

    1. Start with a prompt or a thought that really captures your interest.

    2. Write down an interesting sentence that you would like to explore more in-depth. 

    3. Focus on one aspect of the idea until it feels complete. 

    4. Get feedback from your friends or family and ask them what they think about your story.

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