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    My Amazing Mountain of Faith

     I have always been a person of faith. My childhood was full of church, and when I became an adolescent, I became even more committed to my religion. I started going to youth group on a regular basis and at the time it felt like the only thing in my life that made sense. In the years since then, I had developed two big mountains: one of faith and one of doubt.

    I didn't know how to reconcile these two things and didn't know what to do about it. But then one day, in my senior year of high school, everything changed. Here's how it all happened.

     There are many different types of faith. Some people have faith in a higher power, or in themselves. Others believe that our faith is what keeps us alive and moving forward. For some, their faith comes from their family. I don’t know if I will ever find the answer to this question, but one thing I do know is that my mountain of faith has been built on these different types of beliefs. They all contribute to the person I am today, and I think that is what makes me so strong.

     I have a mountain of faith. There are times when I feel like it's my only anchor in life, but even then I know it's not enough. God is the one who deserves all of the glory, but we humans are also needed to carry on His work. So, please take some time today to climb my mountain of faith. 

    What will you find there? You might find that you have more faith than you thought. Or you might find that your faith is grounded in something different than what I believe. That's ok! We can still be friends and love each other because we share something wonderful--faith in something bigger than ourselves.

    Faith is something that many people struggle with. Sometimes it can feel like a mountain to climb- an uphill battle. However, for me, faith has always been exciting and rewarding. I’ve embraced my faith and find it to be freeing. Here are some ways to make your faith more meaningful and fulfilling!

     It was earlier this year, in the midst of my university's finals week-end. I had to make a choice. I could either go to my exams and risk failing them all or I could stay at home and binge on Netflix with my best friend. It was a tough decision but it wasn't hard to choose because one option included studying for hours on end while the other meant staying in bed with a friend. I chose Netflix, and it was the best decision I have ever made because that night something happened that changed me forever.

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