Inner World: Expectations vs. Reality
Have you ever been disappointed by reality? Maybe it's because your expectations were too high. People set themselves up for disappointment when they expect their surroundings to be perfect or the people around them to behave like a Disney movie. As Walt Disney famously said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” It starts with a dream. You may not be able to live in a castle right now, but you can have an idea of how that would look and feel like. You may not be able to fly right now, but you can imagine what it would feel like and what it would look like if you could fly. Dreams are meant to fill our lives with wonder and excitement about the future. They're:
1. Clarity of future
2. Realization of future
Our expectations of life can often be different from reality. Sometimes, what we envision is good in our heads, but is actually not what we need. Our expectations can lead us to disappointment and unhappiness. Inner World is an online platform that helps people better understand themselves and others by exploring the difference between expectations and reality. It’s a place where you can take the guesswork out of your relationships by learning more about yourself and what you want.
Inner World offers insights, advice, and tools to help you see where your expectations might be getting in the way of living an authentic life with yourself and others.
The ability to date is a privilege that many people take for granted. We live in a culture where it’s common for both men and women to have multiple partners. It’s not uncommon to see someone with 10+ partners before the age of 25. And yet, dating can be one of the most fulfilling or terrifying experiences we face. The expectations of what our relationships will look like are often far from reality.
I remember when I first got Facebook. My mom was so excited for me to have my own page and start designing it. But I never touched it. Why? Because she had done everything for me. She picked out the profile picture, the cover photo, the color of our walls, and even what games I would play on my phone. As much as I hated it at the time, she made sure that everything was perfect for me before letting me experience it on my own. Not being able to decide things for yourself is often seen as a negative thing, but there are also positives to not having to make your own decisions every day.
We all have an inner world. It's a part of who we are, and it helps us make sense of the world around us. This includes how we see ourselves and our expectations for ourselves. Yet often, what happens is that the reality doesn't match up to those expectations. In this blog post, I will discuss some of the ways that these two things can be different in our lives. I will also offer some ways to work with these differences instead of letting them tear you apart.
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