All the Things I Picked Up From My Mother
My mother was an amazing woman. As a single mother, she raised me and my sister on her own. She was an accountant at one of the top companies in NYC, and I didn’t know how she managed to do everything that she did. Whenever I asked her how she did it, she would always tell me that it was because of all the things she learned from her mother.
I recently found out more about my grandmother, and I realized that there are some really interesting lessons from my family history that I can learn from. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some of the things that my mother taught me and some of the things that I learned from my grandmother. These are just a few of the
If you're a mother, chances are you've been told at least once that you're your child's best friend. But what if this is actually true? What if your child really does look to you for everything? It might not be something we like to admit about ourselves or our relationships, but it's the reality in many households today.
What if the way I dress is because of my mom? Or how I do my hair? Or which jobs I choose or decisions I make? From how we dress and act to the words we use and even our personalities, there are so many things we learn from our mothers. Here, are some ways to reflect on all the things we pick up from our moms.
There are things in life that we know will stay with us forever. For me, it’s the way my mother would always do her hair and makeup or how she could cook up a storm. The little things like these - they’re what make memories and shape who you are as a person.
I spent my youth of weekends at home with my mom. She was responsible for making sure that I had everything I needed to go back to school on Monday morning. It was amazing having someone around who always had time for me and would make all of the time we spent together feel like such an adventure. Here, are some ways to get out of your own head and into your mother's shoes!
As mothers and daughters, we often try to have conversations that might help us better understand each other. It might be about our opinions on the world or who we want to grow up to be. However, sometimes these conversations are not always easy. This is because there are limits on what you can say and topics that are off-limits. But don’t worry! Here, are some things I found out about my mom that can still give you an idea of who she is as a person and as a mother.
Every mother has a story about their child that, to them, is the most special. However, mothers also have a lot of advice for raising their children. This blog will share some things that I learned from my own mother and how I've applied it to my own parenting style.
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