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    Advertising in Internet

    If you want to be successful with paid advertising on the Internet, you have to draw up detailed plans right from the start and think carefully about the goals of the campaigns. That's how it's done.

    Since the goals in the individual companies are very different, they must be precisely defined at the beginning of every paid ads campaign. Building on that, it is then a matter of developing strategy and actions. This is primarily suitable for Google Ads, which has the largest market share of paid advertising on the Internet.

    Goals and KPI

    Companies differ in many factors. One of these is the goals that a company is pursuing. Therefore, they have different weightings and each require special procedures to achieve them. Generating sales is usually the main goal. As a result, the following questions are raised:
    • How is this main goal achieved?
    • How can you measure the steps to success?
    There are objectives that can be easily read using fixed numbers. These include conversions or conversion values. However, they only offer a limited view of the success or failure of the advertising campaigns. For this reason, we always recommend multiple objectives that have different weightings. They are divided into micro and macro conversions:
    • Micro-conversions: These are rather small actions that describe a previously defined interaction with the website, such as downloading a PDF file, watching a video or simply scrolling to the bottom of the page. They can be assigned a fictitious value and serve as a kind of milestone in controlling the use of the website.
    • Macro conversions: On the other hand, you are given a high weighting. They are directly linked to the KPI (Key Performance Indicators), for example the direct sale of a product or the submission of a completed contact form.

    The bottom line is that it is important to find the optimal combination of micro and macro conversions for your own company in order to optimally map the corresponding KPI.


    It is not always easy to correctly estimate the required media budget. One of the reasons for this is that it depends very much on the goals of each company and the industry in which you operate. If the goals are too ambitious, a high budget must be expected, since experience has shown that the competition is often well represented. It is therefore worthwhile for performance-driven campaigns to tie the budget to a cost-revenue ratio and, if this ratio is maintained, to leave it open to the top.


    If you do not use the budget and at the same time want to achieve your goals as cost-effectively as possible, you have to define a target group that is as precise as possible. Fortunately, companies can set this very well on most paid advertising platforms on the Internet and thus ensure accurate tracking. This means that the advertising arrives where it should arrive. The continuous use of a tracking tool such as Google Analytics is extremely important here.

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