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    Reduce solt intake

    ·         Do you have the habit to eat salt on the plate? Give up the habit.

    ·       Minimize the use of salt in cooking as much as possible. Not in one day, step by step. · Be accustomed to boil without salt. If not, eat fewer potatoes or other boiled foods, use less salt to boiled foods ·Do not add salt to the salad. Instead of salt, use powder peppermint, vinegar or lemon juice in the food ·Avoid as much as possible: fries, salty foods, canned foods, processed foods, fast-foods, pickles, salty mouthwash, any delicious foods·Not at a time, Reduce the salt level to 3-5 grams (one teaspoon) in the body daily by slowly reducing the use of salt· Raw salt, fried salt, cork salt, bit salt, sea salt, sculpted salt- all are equally harmful. Do not call for disaster by taking one instead of the other · heart patients, kidney patients, hypertension patients must reduce salt intake.

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